South-East European Research Centre
The South-East European Research Centre (SEERC) is an overseas research centre of the University of Sheffield, established as a non-profit legal entity in Thessaloniki, Greece. The centre was founded by City College, the University’s International Faculty, in 2003. It is conducting multidisciplinary research in the fields of Enterprise, Innovation & Development, Information & Communication Technologies, and Society & Human Development.
SEERC’s mission is to support the stable and peaceful development of South-East Europe by conducting pure and applied research in and for the region. To accomplish this, SEERC will employ the existing research capacities of the University of Sheffield and CITY College by facilitating collaborations between their research staff and by developing multi-disciplinary networks of researchers from across South-East Europe.
Prof Panayiotis H. Ketikidis

Professor Ketikidis is the Vice Principal for Research, Innovation & External Relations of CITY College – An International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, and theChairman of the Management Committee & Academic Director of the Doctoral Programme at the South East European Research Centre (SEERC). He has over 25 years of experience in management, education, research, and competitive research funding with various networks established as a result of this experience. Professor Ketikidis has been listed in the Marquis´s Who´s Who, Publications Board in Science and Engineering, Eleventh Edition 2011-2012.
Mr Nikos Zaharis

Mr Nikos Zaharis is the Director of SEERC. His goal is to build up and expand SEERC’s research agenda and strengthen research partnerships internationally and in the South East European Region focusing on issues of economic and regional development, IT policy and social development. He has more than 17 years experience as a consultant and manager working for industrial as well as public sector organizations on issues ranging from quality and environmental management to managing of research, economic and regional development in Greece and in a series of eastern European countries.
Dr Adrian Solomon

Dr Adrian Solomon is a project manager for resource efficiency, environmental sustainability and digital projects at SEERC. His main specialty and interests reside in the field of low carbon and resilient logistics and supply chain management and in the application of technology towards assisting businesses in low carbon decision making. Having a strong background in computer science (focused on: Business Process Modelling, Cloud applications, Co-creation, Open innovation), he is am utilizing this expertise in investigating the behaviour of logistics systems through modelling and simulation in order to identify pathways and improvements towards achieving the resilient low carbon operational state. In all scenarios, all the outputs resulted from his work have an industry focus – as a primary goal, as well as co-creation with academia in order to enable proper knowledge flows between the two entities.
Ms Ilina Atanasovska

Ms Ilina Athanasovska is working at SEERC on the DIGI-GRENT, PROSFET, PROCEEDS & HELIX4EU projects funded by the European Commission, as well as she is part of the organizing committee of the European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ETHAC). She is also a PhD Candidate in Circular Economy & Industry 4.0 at the University of Sheffield. Lastly, she is actively involved in the Triple Helix Association by working for the President of the association, Prof Henry Etzkowitz.