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DIGI-GRENT: Digital and Responsible Entrepreneurs (Erasmus+, Strategic Partnership in HE)
DIGI-GRENT aims to develop an innovative, transnational framework that will improve the knowledge and skills of academic institutions to produce more marked/startup oriented DREP curricula, reducing the barriers in this field. The project consortium comprises key academics, investors, industry/employment associations, startup associations, and societal growth partners (and associated partners) from different sectors who will co-create the envisaged DREP curriculum and will pilot it through an open innovation and co-creation virtual learning environment (VLE).

In order for the European Union (EU) to be successful in implementing and expanding open innovation as one of the main driver of its socio-economic growth, higher education institutions (HEIs) must be able to produce independent, creative, entrepreneurial individuals, who understand inter- and multidisciplinary challenges of the socio-economic environment and as a result can contribute to open innovation in true convergence with technological growth & enterprise digitalization. EU’s success in the global competition is heavily dependent on the ability of the economy to produce innovative enterprises with high growth potential that can give stimulus to the actors of the socio-economic environment. Creating a common framework and a unified entrepreneurial ecosystem across the EU requires a core engine of open innovation and co-creation among all the involved stakeholders in order for the inequality among the regions of the EU to be decreased. Achieving an empowered society that co-creates together with the market will provide a much proper context for growth, as society is the main driver of growth.